What we do
Mission Statement
Our mission is to elevate the Library and inspire the love of reading in our communities.
Vision Statement
Vibrant and equitable communities connected through a flourishing Library.
What The Friends Do
The Friends of The Seattle Public Library was established in 1941, the 50th anniversary of the library system. The Friends have sponsored many different programs over the years. Events popular in the 1940s, such as teas, gave way to programs serving contemporary needs, including those of underserved populations. Through sponsoring programs, supporting adequate facilities and funding for the Library, providing volunteers, and collaborating with other Library and civic groups, the Friends have helped Seattle maintain a world class, inclusive library system.
The FriendShop is a gift shop in the Central Library loaded with literary-themed gifts and supplies useful at the library. The Georgetown used bookshop is filled with used books of every genre. Our locations showcase Pacific Northwest artists, design and innovation. Come visit us to see what else we are working on and how you can easily be a part of something big.
The Friends provide a program for children six and under getting their first library card. Upon signing up for their first library card at any branch, children receive a child-sized book bag with a special design celebrating this milestone. In most years, approximately 5,000 totes are distributed.
Read ouR 2024 annual president’s report here.
Get Involved
The Friends have many ways to get involved, including becoming a member, joining the board, volunteering at our book sorting facility, helping out with book sales, donating books, and working in the FriendShop at the Central Library. Join us for a great way to meet new people who share your love of books and libraries.
Become a member
Membership is a great way to show your support for the Seattle Public Library, help fund library programs, and encourage reading in our community.
FriendShop Volunteer
We are currently not accepting new volunteer applications. Please check back!
The volunteer application is for volunteering at the FriendShop gift shop at the Central Library in downtown Seattle and at our Georgetown used bookshop. Meet people from around the world and get a special volunteer discount at the Shop, and engage with book-lovers at our Georgetown shop.
Join the Board
We are currently not accepting board applications, but you may submit an application. We will review your application in the next cycle and reach out to you!
The board meets once a month and has several sub-committees (board development, communications, executive, finance, operations, outreach).
Board Member Appreciation: Kim’s Journey with the Friends
A big thank you to our Board President Angel Sauls, SPL Foundation CEO Brian Lawrence, and Foundation Board President Sarah Stanley for testifying to the importance of funding The Library at November’s City Council meeting. Watch their remarks here starting at 4:15:11.
The Seattle Public Library is facing massive budget cuts that will affect staff and services at every branch.
Equity, Opportunity, and Essential Services for All The Seattle Public Library brings people, information, and ideas together to enrich lives and build community.
Let your Seattle City Council members know that The Seattle Public Library (SPL) is essential to a healthy, equitable, and livable city.
SPL shows an unwavering commitment to learning with access to knowledge, books, and collections, but also to digital equity and access, economic development and job support, literacy programs, support for families, and engaging kids and students of all ages.
SPL serves every neighborhood and supports all people in our community. Their work listening and building relationships in the community has allowed SPL to develop creative approaches to supporting individuals and families.
Trusted, valued, essential: Seattle loves its Library
- 26 Branches + Central Library
- 396,000 active library card users
- 17 million online and in‐person visits
- 10,000 supporters through the Friends and Foundation
- 76% of voters passed the 2019 Library Levy
What’s at risk with extensive budget cuts
Cuts will affect people in every neighborhood, demographic, and income level in Seattle: families, immigrants and refugees, students and seniors, entrepreneurs, veterans, and workers. Cuts will hobble SPL’s ability to equitably meet needs for all patrons and provide services that are critical right now, like digital access and support for students.
Adult learning and employment SPL helps adults gain skills to succeed with English language and citizenship classes, resume writing and interview prep workshops, software training and certification progams, small business support, and more.
Serving people in need Income tax preparation assistance for low-income individuals, Wi-Fi hotspot loans for people experiencing homelessness, services for military veterans, after-school meals for kids, and distribution of materials to senior centers and to patrons unable to leave their homes are just a sliver of how SPL supports the community.
Digital equity SPL hosted 2.5 million public computer and Wi-Fi sessions in 2019, a Wi-Fi hotspot checkout program that was used 92% by people of color, and more than
450 free technology classes to learn digital skills.
Youth and family learning SPL brings digital access, learning, and programs for kids and their families to support academic success, career readiness, and life skills. SPL offers early learning programs for children ages 0-5, homework help, free books during Summer of Learning, and recently rerouted its Bookmobile stops to better serve public preschools, 81% of which serve low-income families.
The Seattle Public Library is in a natural position to innovate, convene conversations, address needs in digital access and equity, and ultimately mitigate the economic, social, and mental impacts of the current crisis.
Plot Twist: SPL responds to community needs in a pandemic
- Created e-card to give digital access to thousands more patrons
- Provided Wi-Fi hotspots to schools, community nonprofits, and tiny home villages
- Moved learning online, including digital literacy assistance
- Added new employment assistance programs to support workers
Email your Councilmembers
If you don’t know who your councilmember is, find out online.
District 1, Councilmember Rob Saka
District 2, Councilmember Mark Solomon
District 3, Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth
District 4, Councilmember Maritza Rivera
District 5, Councilmember Cathy Moore
District 6, Councilmember Dan Strauss
District 7, Councilmember Robert Kettle
CITYWIDE, Council President, Sara Nelson
CITYWIDE, Councilmember Alexis Mercedes Rinck
What can you do?
Tell your Councilmembers how much the library means to you. Here’s a handy script you can start with.
Subject Line: Protect our Library
As a member of [District X], and a proud supporter and patron of The Seattle Public Library, I’m urging you to sustain and support The Seattle Public Library as the City addresses budget challenges.
The Seattle Public Library is essential. The access to learning and books that The Library offers to our community is critical to kids and adults alike. But what really moves me about our library in particular is [YOUR PASSION / WHY YOU CARE ABOUT THE LIBRARY].
SPL has built up our trust over the years and Seattleites love our Library – so much that we’ve voted to tax ourselves with a Levy to keep its services strong, and to build even more equity with digital access. And right now, The Library is doing so much to support our community beyond its traditional services.
To help the City move forward, The Library is in a natural position to innovate, address needs in digital access and equity, and mitigate the economic, social, and mental impacts of this crisis. I hope to count on you to sustain The Seattle Public Library.
Respectfully, [Your name and address]
The Board
Our Board

Angel Sauls, President

Jennifer Lo, Vice President

Calicia Carson, Secretary

Lauren Abraham, Treasurer

Lauren Abraham

Alex Cates

Jennifer Lo

Kim Nguyen Love

Rachael Moss

Devon O’Neill

Wendy Overton

Jada Pock

Julio Rodriguez-Vasquez

Angel Sauls

Monish Shah

Zuzu Tang

Sarina Tewari

Ben Thompson

Amy VanderZanden

Mary K. Weese
Lisa Lee, Business Director
Nancy Clements, Sales Manager
Sue Baird, Sales Manager
Julia Thompson, Communications Specialist
In 2023, the Foundation will give The Library $4.425 million to invest in:
- 16 programs including Raising A Reader, Global Reading Challenge, Homework Help, Story Time, Adult Tutoring, Summer of Learning, and more including books for program participants.
- 21 programs including the Author’s Series, Museum Pass, Seattle Reads, Library Equal Access Program, Literary Community Curator program, arts programming, and civic engagement programs, as well as more than 75,000 books for the collection.
Economic Opportunity
- 5 programs: Your Next Job, Job & Life Skills classes, Library to Business, Workforce Development & Career Readiness, and ESL & Citizenship classes. In addition, the Foundation supports The Library’s professional development, learning, and other administrative programs.
The Foundation also leads advocacy efforts to increase public funding for The Library, helps facilitate the national Library Support Network, and manages the Stim Bullitt Civic Courage Scholarship.
The Seattle Public Library Board of Trustees: A five-member board of trustees governs your Library. All trustees are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the Seattle City Council. Board members serve five-year terms without pay. The board meets monthly to discuss issues and make decisions related to our services and operations.
Library Board Meetings: When posted, agendas will give room location.Regular board meetings are taped and aired on the Seattle Channel, the City of Seattle’s government access channel. The Seattle Channel website includes Library board meetings and selected programs. Note: if there is no video listed, a board meeting did not occur that month.
Contact Us
Central Library (main branch), Level 3
1000 Fourth Avenue, Seattle WA 98104
(206) 733-9015